16 de June de 20160

Barcelona is a dynamic, innovative city with a business activity that is one of the main references in Europe and number one city in terms of quality of life for its workers.

Recently, new laws have been approved in order to encourage entrepreneurial culture and facilitate the creation of business, reducing the time and cost to start up a new business (see foreign investments).

Who can start a business in Barcelona: Foreigners are entitled to undertake a profit activity in Spain:

European Union citizens may set up a business in Spain without restriction it will only be needed to obtain NIE number (Foreign Identification Number) for individuals or a Tax Identification Number for legal entities.

A non-EU citizen who wishes to set up a company in Spain or carry out any business or professional activities must have the necessary visa and work permits.

It must be taken also into account that certain professions in Spain are regulated, as doctors, lawyers, engineers.. So people who want to exercise those activities must obtain recognition of their diplomas by Spanish Authorities.

Types of Business Structures in Spain: The most frequently legal structures to set up a business in Spain are the following.

  • A self-employee worker.
  • Partnership.
  • Setting up a Spanish Company and depending of the paid-in capital:
  1. Limited Liability Company (sociedad de responsabilidad limitada)
  2. Public Limited Company (sociedad anónima)
  • Acquisition of a Spanish Company’s shares.
  • Joint venture with other companies established in Spain.
  • Establishing a Spanish branch of your already existing foreign company.
  • Carrying out contracts of agency, distribution, commission or franchising with Spanish companies.

Here we only provide the list of the different options, in following posts we will analyse every type with more detail.

The information contained herein does not constitute legal advice.

VBB Lawyers


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