The Law 14/2013, of Support for Entrepreneurs and its Internationalization, contains a section dedicated to “international mobility”, understanding as such the regulation of those cases in which, for reasons of economic interest, entry and residence are facilitated in Spain to certain categories of foreigners, simplifying and speeding up the procedures for obtaining residence and work permits.
This responds to the need to internationalize the economy, encourage the establishment of foreign companies and attract foreign talent and investment, as well as the need to eliminate barriers to foreign entrepreneurship and investment in business projects that favor the creation of employment and positively affect a sector of general interest for our economy.
One category included in the concept of international mobility are the highly qualified professionals for whom, responding to the increasing interest of companies and the European Union in attracting talent as a means to create and spread knowledge, they have softened the migratory barriers.
Información detallada
Who are highly qualified professionals?
The following professional groups are included in this category:
- Managerial or highly qualified personnel of large companies or groups of companies or SMEs in strategic sectors, proved through a report from the General Directorate of Trade and Investment.
- Managerial or highly qualified personnel who are part of a business project in which any of the following conditions apply:
- Maintenance of employment
- Significant increase in the creation of direct jobs
- Significant increase in the creation of jobs in the sector of activity or geographical area in which the work activity will be developed
- Extraordinary investment with relevant socio-economic impact in the economic sphere in which the activity will be developed
- Reasons of general interest for the commercial and investment policy of Spain, proved through a report from the General Directorate of Trade and Investment
- Relevant contribution to scientific or technological innovation.
- Graduates and postgraduates of prestigious universities and business schools.
What general requirements must professionals meet to qualify for this type of permit?
- Be of legal age
- Do not have a criminal record and do not count as rejected in the countries that are part of the territory of the Schengen Treaty or with which Spain has signed a treaty in that sense
- Have a public or private health insurance
- Have sufficient financial resources (which will normally be guaranteed by the contract as a highly qualified professional)
What are the advantages of this type of international mobility permit?
- Sole authorization to reside and work valid for the entire national territory, including family members if they meet the age stipulated in the labor regulations.
- The National Employment Situation does not apply.
- Freedom of movement in the Schengen states.
- Agile processing: visas resolved and notified in 10 business days and residency authorizations resolved in 20 days, possibility of carrying out the procedures through a representative.
- Joint processing for relatives.
- The application for the residence permit will extend the validity of the situation of residence or stay in Spain of which the foreigner was the holder until the resolution of the procedure.